Sunday, September 24, 2006

We are not God

For years I tried a million differnt ways, and million different times to break my addictions. Then one day while I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired, I went to my bed, laid down, and whispered, "God, it's been a long time, and I don't know if I'm doing this right, but...." Yep, it ended there. That's all I remember for hours. I went into the presence of the Holy Spirit, and recieved the power to quit smoking and drinking with those simple words.

Sounds easy doesn't it? It may not be easy, but when you rely on the power of God, instead of trying to be God, I assure you that it WILL be an easier trip on the road to recovery. We have to stop trying to do this alone. When you do it alone, it's almost like you're trying to make yourself God rather than relying on God. Let go, let God, and remember:

Be still, and know that I am God.Psalm 46:10

We need to be reminded that we are not God.

This seems pretty basic. You wouldn't think it would be hard to remember.
But we get so caught up in proving ourselves by performing, achieving and
rescuing that we forget that we are humans with real limits. We fill our
time so full of frenzied activity that there is no 'stillness'. And when
there is no stillness, it is hard to remember who is God and who is not.

Fortunately, God does not forget who is God and who is not. God invites us
to quiet ourselves, to slow ourselves down. God invites us to be still long
enough to regain perspective. "Be still", God says, "and
know that I am God."

In the stillness we can see again that there is a difference between our
frenzy and God's kingdom. It is God's work to provide and protect and rescue.
It is not our work. We can do our part. But our part needs to be respectful
of our human limits. Our part needs to actively acknowledge our dependence
on God. God is God, and we are not.

Help me to slow down, Lord.
Help me to be quiet.
Help me to be still long enough to remember that you are God.
Help me to remember who is creature and who is Creator.
Let this truth free me, Lord, to accept my limits,

Praying that we all realize our source of breaking an addiction,
Pastor Mike


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